
Hi guys I’m very new to blogging , this is my maiden. I always wanted to write something but multi-pronged hurdles and multifaceted views made me hands off the keyboard but now I take heart to do something to write something. Most astonishing thing here is I’m writing about the thing ,profession, that I have never thought about to write. Actually that’s not my passion but blogging is, so I fulfilling my passion using my professional experience.

My name is Saqib, I’m an Operator at Power plant in Pakistan since 2008, let me tell you something about myself a little. After matriculation exam I had been admitted to DAE (Diploma of associate Engineering ) Electrical in hometown Sargodha, Joined power plant training program (1 year) and along with the job after training I did my graduation (BA in Economics) from University of Sargodha. I don’t let myself get rusted easily I started my Masters degree in Computer Science (MCS) from distance learning Virtual University of Pakistan. Rest will be told later. 😉

Every person needs better life and he/she deserves to have it but without struggle and proper sinking their abilities it’s not possible at all, plant operator, to the best of my knowledge, has a potential to get more as long as he is dedicated to seek knowledge and make himself a product for potential buyers (Plant owners). This is a little movement to have a platform for all skilled workers to polish themselves.

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